You need to start with the basics. Step one. What is the size of your Garden i.e. How wide it is and how long it is. If you don't have a tape measure then count the fence panels. Most fence panels are 1.82metres x 1.82 metres or 6ft x 6 ft in old money. If you don't have fence panels then count ... Read More about Welcome to my daily Design tips for the Garden. Measuring the Garden.
Welcome to my daily tips for the garden. Willow domes.
Ever thought about putting in a Willow dome, tunnel, den or fencing in the garden. It’s a living structure that needs very little maintenance and looks amazing as well. Not too difficult to put in and they need to be installed while the willow is dormant so Nov to March ideally so something to think ... Read More about Welcome to my daily tips for the garden. Willow domes.
Why do people employ a garden designer
So why do people employ a garden designer? Good question. They are generally not cheap and surely you can do the same thing yourself...... So there are a couple of questions to ask yourself; 1. Do I know enough garden knowledge to pick the right plants for the right space. 2. Do I know the ... Read More about Why do people employ a garden designer
We love an Allium. They are from the onion genus and my word do they pack colour punch. There are an amazing number of varieties out there and now is the time to plant them out for a wonderful display next year. ... Read More about Allium